Solfege is a system used in music education to teach pitch and sight-singing. It uses a set of syllables to represent each note of the musical scale. The most commonly used solfege syllables are do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti.
The solfege system is based on the major scale, with each syllable corresponding to a specific scale degree. For example, "do" is used for the first note of the scale, "re" for the second note, and so on. This system allows singers to learn to recognize and reproduce pitches accurately by associating each note with a specific syllable.
Solfege can be used for both vocal and instrumental music education. It helps musicians develop their ear training skills, improve their pitch accuracy, and enhance their overall musicality. By practicing solfege, musicians can train themselves to hear and identify pitches, intervals, and melodies more effectively.
In addition to singing scales using solfege syllables, musicians can also use solfege to sight-sing music. By applying the solfege system to written music, singers can quickly and accurately read and perform new pieces without relying solely on sheet music.
Overall, solfege is a valuable tool for musicians of all levels to improve their pitch recognition, sight-singing abilities, and musical skills. It offers a structured and systematic approach to learning and performing music, making it an essential part of music education.

In this video the solfege syllabals are presented to you visually with a pointer that moves in rythym. Follow along with the video, making sure that you are matching the pitch correctly for each one. The video will take you up and down the scale. "Do" is the first scale degree and is like the center of gravity for the whole system. Everything is all related to how far are close the pitch is to "Do". Each solfege syllable has its own character or musical personality. Begin to recognize the feeling also associated with each solfege syllable.